6 research outputs found

    Pemeringkatan Risiko Keamanan Sistem Jaringan Komputer Politeknik Kota Malang Menggunakan Cvss dan Fmea

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    The vulnerability of a computer network system is a weakness, lack or hole in the system, which can be exploited by attackers to carry out an attack that may endanger the confidentiality, integrity or availability of a system. The filling process requires a security vulnerability analysis according to the severity to determine the priority scales of handling. The analysis used in determining priority scales of handling is the combination of CVSS and FMEA-based analysis method. The analysis result from both methods shows that the numbers of risk priority and vulnerability become a benchmark in risk prioritizing and mitigation the risk to Politeknik Kota Malang party, with the priority order: ‘Singa', ‘Sierra', ‘Dino', and ‘Leopard'. The priority scales show that the vulnerability levels, that must be handled, have number range between 40% up to 60%. The combination of CVSS and FMEA methods can determine the handling level based on the potential impacts caused by the vulnerability in computer network system of Politeknik Kota Malang

    The Efficiency of Requesting Process for Formal Business-Documents in Indonesia: an Implementation of Web Application Base on Secure and Encrypted Sharing Process

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    In recent business practices, the need of the formal document for business, such as the business license documents, business domicile letters, halal certificates, and other formal documents, is desperately needed and becomes its own problems for businesses, especially for small and medium enterprises. One stop service unit that was conceived and implemented by the government today, has not been fully integrated yet. Not all permits (related with formal document for business) can be completed and finished in one place, businesses are still have to move from one government department to another government department to get a formal document for their business. With these practices, not only a lot of the time and cost will be sacrificed, but also businesses must always fill out a form with the same field. This study aims to assess and identify the problem, especially on applying the formal document for business, and use it as inputs for the development of a web application based on secure and encrypted sharing process. The study starts with a survey of 200 businesses that have applied the formal document for their business, to map the initial conditions of applying the formal document for business in Indonesia . With these applications that are built based on these needs, it is expected that not only the time, cost, and physical effort from both parties are becoming more efficient, but also the negative practices of bureaucratic and economic obstacles in business activities can be minimized, so the competitiveness of business and their contribution for national economy will increase

    Mengukur Kesiapan Kota Dalam Menerapkan Konsep Smart City Inisiatif (Studi Kasus: Kota Banjarmasin)

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    Abstrak – Berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik pada tahun 2015, jumlah penduduk kota Banjarmasin menempati persentase terbesar di Kalimantan Selatan yaitu  16,93%. Pesatnya pertumbuhan penduduk di daerah perkotaan akan memberikan tantangan dalam menata dan mengelolanya. Konsep smart city (SC) diharapkan dapat memberikan solusi terhadap masalah khas perkotaan. Untuk menerapkan SC, framework SC inisiatif bisa digunakan sebagai model pengembangan awal SC. Penelitian kali ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kesiapan kota dalam menerapkan konsep SC inisiatif menggunakan faktor enabler Garuda Smart City Model (GSCM), studi kasus dilakukan di kota Banjarmasin.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan dilakukan dengan metode wawancara, studi dokumen, pengamatan lapangan di Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika, dan Statistik (Diskominfotik) Pemerintah Kota Banjarmasin. Penggunaan menggunakan indikator 3 (tiga) faktor enabler GSCM yaitu teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK), tatakelola SC, dan manusia. Parameter enabler ini mencakup aspek-aspek penting dalam SC inisiatif yang mampu mentransformasi kota sehingga menjadi SC. Hasil pengukuran kesiapan kota untuk menerapkan konsep SC inisiatif menunjukkan bahwa dari 36 indikator dan subindikator yang ada, Kota Banjarmasin sudah mencapai 20 indikator dan subindikator. Dari tiga komponen enabler yang telah disebutkan, di Kota Banjarmasin komponen TIK dan komponen manusia sudah siap dalam menerapkan konsep SC inisiatif. Akan tetapi indikator komponen tatakelola yang meliputi tatakelola TIK di lingkungan Pemko Banjarmasin dan tatakelola SC belum tersedia.Kata kunci:  smart city, kesiapan smart city, smart city inisiatif, Kota Banjarmasin, indikator smart city Abstract - Based on data from Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS-Statistics) in 2015, the number of residents in Banjarmasin municpality occupy the largest percentage in South Kalimantan, about 16.93%. The rapid growth of population in urban areas will provide a challenge in organizing and managing. The concept of smart city (SC) is expected to provide solutions to typical urban problems. To implement the SC, the SC initiative framework can be used as a model for early development of SC. This study aims to measure the readiness of the city in applying the concept of the SC initiative using enabler factors of Garuda Smart City model (GSCM), case studies carried out in the city of Banjarmasin.This study uses descriptive qualitative method. Data collection was conducted using interviews, document research, field observations at the Department of Communications, Information and Statistics (Diskominfotik) City of Banjarmasin. Indicator measurements using three (3) enabler factors, they are information and communication technology (ICT), SC governance, and humans. This enabler parameters include important aspects in the SC initiative that is able transform the city to become SC. The measurement results of city readiness to implement a SC initiative shows that from 36 indicators and subindicators, Banjarmasin has reached the 20 indicators and subindikator. From three components enabler already mentioned, ICT and human components are ready to implement the concept of the SC initiative. However, in governance indicators, that include ICT governance and SC governance in Banjarmasin municipality is not yet available.Keyword: smart city, smart city readiness, smart city initiative, Banjarmasin, smart city indicator

    Mengukur Kesiapan Kota Dalam Menerapkan Konsep Smart City Inisiatif (Studi Kasus: Kota Banjarmasin)

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    Abstrak – Berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik pada tahun 2015, jumlah penduduk kota Banjarmasin menempati persentase terbesar di Kalimantan Selatan yaitu 16,93%. Pesatnya pertumbuhan penduduk di daerah perkotaan akan memberikan tantangan dalam menata dan mengelolanya. Konsep smart city (SC) diharapkan dapat memberikan solusi terhadap masalah khas perkotaan. Untuk menerapkan SC, framework SC inisiatif bisa digunakan sebagai model pengembangan awal SC. Penelitian kali ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kesiapan kota dalam menerapkan konsep SC inisiatif menggunakan faktor enabler Garuda Smart City Model (GSCM), studi kasus dilakukan di kota Banjarmasin. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan dilakukan dengan metode wawancara, studi dokumen, pengamatan lapangan di Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika, dan Statistik (Diskominfotik) Pemerintah Kota Banjarmasin. Penggunaan menggunakan indikator 3 (tiga) faktor enabler GSCM yaitu teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK), tatakelola SC, dan manusia. Parameter enabler ini mencakup aspek-aspek penting dalam SC inisiatif yang mampu mentransformasi kota sehingga menjadi SC. Hasil pengukuran kesiapan kota untuk menerapkan konsep SC inisiatif menunjukkan bahwa dari 36 indikator dan subindikator yang ada, Kota Banjarmasin sudah mencapai 20 indikator dan subindikator. Dari tiga komponen enabler yang telah disebutkan, di Kota Banjarmasin komponen TIK dan komponen manusia sudah siap dalam menerapkan konsep SC inisiatif. Akan tetapi indikator komponen tatakelola yang meliputi tatakelola TIK di lingkungan Pemko Banjarmasin dan tatakelola SC belum tersedia. Kata kunci: smart city, kesiapan smart city, smart city inisiatif, Kota Banjarmasin, indikator smart city Abstract - Based on data from Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS-Statistics) in 2015, the number of residents in Banjarmasin municpality occupy the largest percentage in South Kalimantan, about 16.93%. The rapid growth of population in urban areas will provide a challenge in organizing and managing. The concept of smart city (SC) is expected to provide solutions to typical urban problems. To implement the SC, the SC initiative framework can be used as a model for early development of SC. This study aims to measure the readiness of the city in applying the concept of the SC initiative using enabler factors of Garuda Smart City model (GSCM), case studies carried out in the city of Banjarmasin. This study uses descriptive qualitative method. Data collection was conducted using interviews, document research, field observations at the Department of Communications, Information and Statistics (Diskominfotik) City of Banjarmasin. Indicator measurements using three (3) enabler factors, they are information and communication technology (ICT), SC governance, and humans. This enabler parameters include important aspects in the SC initiative that is able transform the city to become SC. The measurement results of city readiness to implement a SC initiative shows that from 36 indicators and subindicators, Banjarmasin has reached the 20 indicators and subindikator. From three components enabler already mentioned, ICT and human components are ready to implement the concept of the SC initiative. However, in governance indicators, that include ICT governance and SC governance in Banjarmasin municipality is not yet available. Keyword: smart city, smart city readiness, smart city initiative, Banjarmasin, smart city indicator

    Analisis dan Verifikasi Formal Protokol Non-repudiasi Zhang-shi dengan Logika Svo-cp

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    Protokol non-repudiasi adalah protokolkeamananyang memberikan layanan Non-Repudiation of Origin (NRO) dan Non-Repudiation of Receipt(NRR). Protokol non repudiasi yang memenuhi kedualayanan tersebut tanpa memberi keuntungan lebih kepada satu prinsipal daripadaprinsipal lainmerupakan protokolyangmemenuhiaspek fairness. Protokol [Zhang and Shi, 1996] adalah protokol yang seharusnya mengamankan transaksi elektronik dalam konteks non-repudiasi. Berdasarkan penelitian terdahulu mengenai verifikasi protokolnon-repudiasi ZS dengan metode formal logika [Coffey and Saidha, 1997]yang dilakukan oleh [Ventuneac, 2004]menunjukkan bahwa hasil verifikasi protokol tidakdapat digunakan untuk menguji ketercapaian tujuan akhir (goal) serta tidak mengujifairness. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan analisis dan verifikasi formal terhadap protokolnon-repudiasi Zhang-Shi dengan menggunakan logika SVO-CP untuk mengetahui kehandalan protokol tersebut dalammemenuhi sifat non-repudiasi, yaitu NRO, NRR, dan fairness. Prosedur penelitian dilakukan dalam empat tahap dan hasil menunjukan bahwa protokol non-repudiasi Zhang-Shi mencapai kebenaran semua tujuannya (NRO dan NRR) serta penerapan logika SVO-CP kepada verifikasi protokol non-repudiasi Zhang-Shi menunjukkan protokol tersebut mencapaifairness